16 Days of Activism

Each year between the 25th November and 10th December communities across the world take part in 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. The campaign calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

In Scotland, this year’s 16 Days of Activism wants us to ‘Imagine a Scotland without Gender Based Violence (GBV)’ with awareness raising, campaigning and learning events taking place online and throughout the country.

Our partnership is overseen by Inspiring Scotland, who manage the Scottish Government’s Delivering Equally Safe fund which supports 121 projects throughout Scotland to deliver frontline support, prevention and awareness raising activity focused on tackling GBV. 

Equally Safe is a Scottish Government and COSLA strategy with a vision of a strong and flourishing Scotland where all individuals are equally safe and respected, and where women and girls live free from all forms of violence and abuse and the attitudes that help perpetuate it. 

With funding from Delivering Equally Safe, activity delivered between October 2021 and March 2023, has:

  • Reached 32,358 adults and 11,189 children and young people with frontline support
  • Provided awareness raising and education sessions to 93,401 people

16 Days of Activism isn’t just for those delivering services. Violence against women and girls is a part of life in Scotland, just like it is everywhere in the world. The 16 days of Activism is an opportunity to find out more about what organisations are doing to prevent and tackle GBV and share information so we are all better equipped to eradicate it in Scotland. 

Inspiring Scotland have pulled together information on the events that Delivering Equally Safe funded organisations are hosting this year. Events range from open days, to speeches, training and online sessions. Topics include tackling economic abuse, how the media shapes attitudes, young people’s activism, and the relationship between disability and GBV. 

You can access a list of events here.

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